Kneeling Chairs

Health Benefits Of A Kneeling Chair

When you need to spend a lot of time sitting at your desk, it is actually normal that you keep turning and fidgeting trying to find a comfortable position. While the human body isn’t prepared to spend a lot of time in the same position, you still need to sit at work. So, it is important that you know that you have alternatives to the traditional office chairs. One of these alternatives is a kneeling chair. 


There’s no question that office chairs have come a long way. After all, most of them are ergonomic to ensure that your back, lower back, neck, and legs are well postured. However, they may not have everything you need. And this is where a kneeling chair comes in. 

The Knelling Chair

The kneeling chair was actually invented by Norwegians and it was mainly made of wood. As time went by, the design of these chairs also changed as well as the materials used to create them. 

One of the most significant differences is the fact that you can now find many kneeling chairs that come with armrests to ensure that users have more comfort throughout the day. 

See also  How To Choose A Kneeling Chair

Discover the best way to use a kneeling chair.

Health Benefits Of A Kneeling Chair


Now that you understand that the kneeling chair is clearly an alternative to your traditional office chair, it is time to see why you should consider it instead of the regular office chair. For this, we need to turn to the health benefits that can be brought by using a kneeling chair. 

#1: Correct Alignment Of Your Spine:

When you sit on a kneeling chair, your pelvis is tilted ensuring that your spine is aligned. In addition to this, it is also important to refer that since your pelvis opens up, your breathing will also improve as well as all your other organs will benefit from less compression. 

Check out our Varier Variable Balans Kneeling Chair review.

#2: Strengthen Your Back And Core Muscles:


One of the main health benefits of kneeling chairs is the fact that you will be gradually strengthening your back and core muscles. Notice that this happens because you’re not using any backrest. 

#3: Reduce The Pressure On Your Spinal Discs:

When you sit on a traditional office chair, it is normal to feel the compression on your spinal discs. However, this won’t happen when you sit on a kneeling chair and the reason is pretty simple. When you use a kneeling chair, you will have a smaller angle formed between your trunk and thighs. This means less pressure as you sit. 

See also  Are Kneeling Chairs Good For Your Posture And Back?

#4: Your Weight Is Evenly Distributed:


When you sit on a normal office chair, even if it is an ergonomic office chair, you tend to get a lot of pressure on your back, neck, hip, and even on your legs. On the other hand, when you sit on a kneeling chair, your weight will be evenly distributed since your hips slide forward. So, there will be less stress on your lower back preventing spinal compression. 

Read our complete Sleekform ergonomic kneeling chair review.

#5: More Focus:

There’s no question that no one can focus on while experiencing pain. But since you will be comfortable and your weight evenly distributed, you won’t have to even think about pain because it won’t exist. 

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